Wndows 7 ESU Site and Windows 2008 ESU Site - Typo in KB numbers

Typos explained below:

Site: ESU Patching Add-on for Windows 2008
Fixlet ID: 1 - ESU Key Management: Install and Activate MAK - Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows Server 2008R2 SP1
Typo: In “Description” Tab under “pre-requisite patch KBs” section 2 KBs KB453_483 and KB453_484… missing 8 in it

Site: ESU Patching Add-on for Windows 7
Fixlet ID: 1 - ESU Key Management: Install and Activate MAK - Windows 7 SP1
Typo: In “Description” Tab under “pre-requisite patch KBs” section 1 KB KB453_483 … missing 8 in it

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I am told that the fix will be out later today.

Fix is out in v19 of the site.

Thanks to everyone involved. The fix is there now.