Within a Task, is it possible to give actions "meaningful" names?

I have 2 tasks.

  1. Task one stops a process.
  2. Task two starts that same process

I was able to combine these into one task, but I’d like to give the two actions the names STOP and START instead of ACTION1 and ACTION2

Is this possible? If so, how would I do that?


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You can do it but it’s not within the BigFix console and not very intuitive. The task is technically an XML format file, so if you export it, open it in any text editor you can edit the ID name of each action to whatever you want and then reimport it back - ex.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BES xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BES.xsd">
        <Relevance>((it contains "win") of (name of operating system as lowercase))</Relevance>
            <Value>Thu, 21 Nov 2013 10:56:52 +0000</Value>
        <Action ID="Start">
                <PreLink><![CDATA[Click&nbsp; ]]></PreLink>
                <Link>here </Link>
                <PostLink><![CDATA[... ]]></PostLink>
            <ActionScript MIMEType="application/x-Fixlet-Windows-Shell"><![CDATA[waithidden "{pathname of system folder & "\cmd.exe"}" /C net start ]]></ActionScript>
        <Action ID="Stop">
                <PreLink><![CDATA[Click&nbsp; ]]></PreLink>
                <Link>here </Link>
            <ActionScript MIMEType="application/x-Fixlet-Windows-Shell"><![CDATA[waithidden "{pathname of system folder & "\cmd.exe"}" /C net stop ]]></ActionScript>
        <Action ID="Restart">
                <PreLink><![CDATA[Click&nbsp; ]]></PreLink>
                <Link>here </Link>
            <ActionScript MIMEType="application/x-Fixlet-Windows-Shell"><![CDATA[waithidden "{pathname of system folder & "\cmd.exe"}" /C net stop 
waithidden "{pathname of system folder & "\cmd.exe"}" /C net start ]]></ActionScript>
        <Action ID="Reset">
                <PreLink>Click </PreLink>
            <ActionScript MIMEType="application/x-Fixlet-Windows-Shell">// Reset SysEge installation code to 0</ActionScript>
        <Action ID="Comm Test">
                <PreLink>Click </PreLink>
            <ActionScript MIMEType="application/x-Fixlet-Windows-Shell"><![...</ActionScript>

Thanks @ageorgiev!

Now, for a follow up question…

When I click on Take Action, I get this as a drop down menu. I’d like it better if it showed the action names (STOP and START) instead of Click here to deploy this action.

Any chance of changing that too?

OK, I already figured this out…

Edit the Action and then on the Description tab, change:

Click here to deploy this action.


Whatever you want…



When you edit the task, you should be able to click those strings and change them. Such as my Splunk Install task.