Winsock error in endpoint logs

Hi All, Please suggest on the below error found in Bifix endpoint logs as it is failling to report in console:-1:
RegisterOnce: GetURL failed - General transport failure. - BAD SERVERNAME (winsock error 4294967290 - registration url

Based on the error (BAD SERVERNAME), it appears that the endpoint was not able to resolve the DNS Name of the Relay in question.


I have the similar issue. it could be the dns issue or /etc/hosts has incorrect settings
netstat -an|grep 52311 will tell you if the besclient has binded to 52311/udp port or not .

Seems to me that the BES client needs to be augmented to show a lot more information when it sees winsock errors. Like, when it sees a winsock error, it would perform a series of tests with the results placed into the log file.

Debug log set to 10000 didnā€™t show anything. Not good for those folks but glad to see its not just affecting me.

From the agent endpoint machine (the unix/windows machine) what are the results of the following commands?

ping nslookup traceroute

Is the BigFix server reachable DNS resolvable on the network from the agent machine?

What is the __RelayServer1 client setting set to?

It should be in the form of

Is it a fully qualified domain name that is entered here? A name that is DNS resolvable?

If you replace the name with the IP address of the BigFix server, and restart the BESClient service, does that resolve the issue? For example:

Also, have you set the following client setting in the __RelaySelect_Automatic setting equal to 0 in the in the registry setting.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: SOCKET RECEIVE (winsock error 4294967286)


If the problematic endpoint is a Linux box then add the Relay host name on the ā€˜/etc/hostsā€™ file

Thank you,

[quote=ā€œRiyazBasha, post:9, topic:30230ā€]
[/quote] working! thank you:)