Windows TEM Client Deployment Tool Command Line not working

(imported topic written by SteveTEM)

I am trying to use the windows TEM deployment tool to install the client on many computers. With the current migration I can’t use a domain account so I must use a local account on the computer. example: computername\Administrator - the password is the same on all of computers - I know not good, but that is what is available to me at this time.

This works if I do it from the GUI. Problem is if I try it from the command line it does not work. It appears as though its not picking up the /username /password information. I’ve tried it with the deploy tool that comes with 8.2.1175.0 and with 9.0.649.0

I’ve tried it with and without the colon that is between the switch and the value. - which btw: is not consistent in the various articles - see end of question

BESClientDeploy.exe /automatic /password:MyPassword /username:computername\Administrator /useComputerNameList:computerlist.txt

BESClientDeploy.exe /automatic /password MyPassword /username computername\Administrator /useComputerNameList Computerlist.txt

Am I using the correct syntax?

Reason I want to do it from the command line is so that I can create a

in a batch file. Substituting the name/ip of the computer for computername\Administrator.

Enhancement request for the tool:

-help, /?, -?, or ? - to give the syntax with all of the available switches, and examples - make it a user friendly command line tool.

Add /computername switch so that you can specify a computer rather than a list. - I can get around this by creating a new file for each computername, and kicking off the tool once per server.

Documentation differences:

  • shows the syntax to be with a colon -

  • shows the syntax without a colon -

Thanks Steve

(imported comment written by TJessee)


I have had great luck using psexec to do the install using the following batch script. I am assuming that as long as you are logged onto the endpoint you are trying to copy from as the Administrator, it should grant you access to the rest of the machines, you would have to test to verify though.

Just make sure you have psexec on the endpoint you are running from and the rest should work pretty well.

for /f %%c in (computers.txt) do mkdir

for /f %%c in (computers.txt) do copy setup.exe

for /f %%c in (computers.txt) do copy masthead.afxm

for /f %%c in (computers.txt) do copy clientsettings.cfg

psexec @computers.txt c:\bigfixsetup\setup.exe /s /v/qn

for /f %%c in (computers.txt) do rmdir /s /q