Windows Software Distribution Wizards and baslines

(imported topic written by mcalvi91)

We use the Software Distribution wizard extensively for 3rd party software deployments and when we have several things to deploy for migration we want to push these into a base line. The problem is that they are tasks, the baseline does not handle these very well since some of the tasks are dependent on each other.

Currently what will happen is that the baseline will run and some of the tasks will complete and other will show not relevant though the computer is relevant for the specific task. Any ideas on how to make the baseline run all of the tasks?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey mcalvi,

I am not sure I understand the behavior you are talking about… Is it that the Baseline won’t run at all (Note there is a checkbox to note if the Task relevance contributes to the Baseline relevance)? Or that specific Tasks do not run?


(imported comment written by mcalvi91)

One of 2 things happen, either the baseline isn’t relevantn or the basline is relevant but X number of components run.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey mcalvi,

Try this:

Edit the baseline, click the “+” on each component, check the box “Baseline will be relevant on applicable computers where this component is relevant”.

By default this box is not checked for Tasks (because often you don’t want a Baseline to be relevant just because one of the Tasks are relevant… but in your case, this is exactly what you want).

See if that fixes it…
