Windows share permissions

(imported topic written by dmoore21)

Good afternoon,

I was wondering what the best way to query for share permissions would be? I have the following query, but it will just give me basic read, write, execute permissions - I would like to query for something like “full control”

(name of it, (if (not exists entries of dacls of security descriptors of it) then “n/a” else ((trustee of it as string & “:” & (if ( read permission of it) then “R” else “”) & (if ( write permission of it) then “W” else “” ) & (if (execute permission of it) then “X” else “”)) of entries of dacls of security descriptors of it))) of network shares whose (name of it does not contain “$”)

(imported comment written by dmoore21)

Am I correct in assuming that the “Generic All Permission” inspector is a catch-all for the “Full Control” permission? I’ve done a little testing, and this seems to be the case, but I would like to verify…