Windows Installation Folder for IBM client Manager using fixlet is not working

We Have IBM end Manager , Console and Relay installed in windows and MS SQL server in one Virtual machine.
I am updaing the installation folder for IBM end point manager Client using fixlet… No Success
My Fixlet is not updaing the installation folder.

It shows Status as running
Appreciate your help

Is the BESFolders.exe process still running? Check for the logfile C:\besinstallationgenerator.log to see if additional information is available. Make sure you have enough free space on the drive. You only need a few hundred MBs, but you’d be surprised how often that isn’t available.

IEM which version your using

you required only installer folder ?

then you need to install the setup on other machine and the copy paste the installer folder


Dear Sureshhan

IEM 9.2 Version
I require Installer folder so that I can create SCCM package for deployment in other Client Machine.
Find attached Screen Shot … Even I can not search and find the file location and folder in my server which is showing in attached screen shot.

Appreciate your help

Thanks Steve
I have sufficient space status is running since last 2 days…
attached screen shot

What about these items?


Are you looking BESFOLDER.EXE windows Process?


Yes, if you look at the actionscript, you can see the download file is renamed and this is what is being run.

Find Log
besinstallationgenerator.pdf (330.3 KB)

BEFOLDER.EXE process is running

Are you just wanting to install the client on a new machine?

If so, you can get that from here, just pair it with your masthead file:

I see these messages in your log:

Info 1603. The file C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES
Installers\BESClientDeploy\BESClientDeploy.exe is being held in use by the following process: Name: BESClientDeploy, ID: 1576, Window Title: (not determined yet). Close that application and retry.
MSI (s) (A8:E8) [18:11:33:391]: 2 application(s) had been reported to have files in use.
Info 1603. The file C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Installers\BESClientDeploy\BESClientDeploy.exe is being held in use by the following process: Name: BESClientDeploy, ID: 9964, Window Title: (not determined yet). Close that application and retry.
MSI (c) (B8:18) [18:11:33:391]: File In Use: -BESClientDeploy- Window could not be found. Process ID: 1576
MSI (c) (B8:18) [18:11:33:391]: File In Use: -BESClientDeploy- Window could not be found. Process ID: 9964

Looks like you have 2 instances of the Client Deploy Tool running that are blocking the uninstall of the old version during the upgrade.