Windows Embeded OS

Can someone verify for me the ALL the supported Windows Embedded OS. After some research I have not found a definite list of what is supported by BigFix. I need this information for any future and current Windows Embedded OS support.

The official supported list is here for the 9.5 platform on Windows. I believe we claim families of Operating systems. Windows 7 Embedded comes under the Windows 7 family list for example. In the past we called out Windows XPe explicitly but we haven’t since then.

Does that mean that the Windows XPe are not supported by 9.5?

Windows XP (and XPe) are supported through the 9.2 version of the Agent as support for the XP platform is not in 9.5. You can run a 9.2 agent on a 9.5 deployment (with some features missing of course)

Thanks for the information