Windows 7 - Interactive Services Detection

(imported topic written by amagewick91)

I have seen this in the past with tasks that I have tried to write, but it was all for testing and just messing around. Now this is happening on something I want to put into prodution, and I need to know what is causing it. My action is calling a VSB file. The VBS is a simple window with text, with a OK and a CANCEL button. This is what happens on the windows 7 client.

A window comes up and the label of the window is “Interactive Services Detection”. The window states “A program running on this computer is trying to display a message. The program might need information from you or your permission to complete a task.” My options are “View the message” and “Ask me later”

If I look at “more details” the program is cscript.exe. If I click on “View the message” then windows 7 flips into a dulled down mode of nothingness, and displays only the VBS popup.

Has anyone seen this before? Is there another way to call it so that win7 just shows the file without this window? I see that there is a service that controls this but if I disable it the messages might not come up at all. If I run the VBS contents locally from a VBS file everything works fine.

(imported comment written by MattBoyd)

See this: