Windows 7 BigFix MSI Installer problems

(imported topic written by rmnetops91)

I am trying to deploy the BigFixMSI.msi installer package via a script, on Windows 7 however it fails, and when I attempt to manually test it, I get the following UAC message:

“Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer”.

I was wondering if there is a signed version of the bifixmsi.msi installer out there, and if so where can I download it?

(imported comment written by rmnetops91)

Anyone? Couldn’t BigFix provide a signed .MSI installer until v8 is available?

(imported comment written by MattBoyd)

Have you tried the .exe? Could you use that? What user are you running the script as?

(imported comment written by rmnetops91)

Does anyone know if UAC would interfere with execution of a .exe running as SYSTEM?

What are the silent install parameters for the .exe? I can give it a shot and see if it works or not.

Is there any issue with mixing MSI and EXE versions of agent installs in our environment?

(imported comment written by GRALLEN91)

Any update on this discussion? Does anyone have a BESclient Login Script for Windows 7?