Windows 2003 SP2 not reporting

(imported topic written by troyboy14k91)

We have 12 systems that are not reporting accurate SP levels.

BigFix 7.2 is showing the systems are still running Service Pack 1.

We know they are running Service Pack 2.

I’ve checked both registry locations and values show SP2:



HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

CSDVersion=Service Pack 2

One thing to note…

These are VM pick-to-voice voice based systems

To get SP2 installed we had to reboot in SafeMode, install SP2, and reboot.

We did not reboot back into SafeMode after installing.

We do not have the freedom to do this, so was hoping if there was a something we could validate that BigFix looks at.

(imported comment written by BenKus)


Try running this in the Relevance Debugger on both computers:

q: (name of it, csd version of it, release of it, major version of it, minor version of it, build number of it, service pack major version of it, service pack minor version of it) of operating system
A: WinVista, Service Pack 2, 6.0, 6, 0, 6002, 2, 0

Can you post the differences from the “normal” and the problematic computer?



(imported comment written by troyboy14k91)

HI Ben,

Here’s the A: output.

It is the same from either a normal or a problematic computer (where the console reports SP1).

A: Win2003, Service Pack 2, 5.2, 5, 2, 3790, 2, 0

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hmmm… Try clearing your console cache and see if changes anything…


(imported comment written by troyboy14k91)

Nope, the server is still showing OS Service Pack Level as Server Pack 1, ugh…

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Can you give me the relevance for the property that you are looking at?



(imported comment written by troyboy14k91)

I’m new to BigFix, so I don’t entirely understand the question or concepts.

Is this the property relevance?

Retrieved Property Name | Retrieved Property Relevance

OS Service Pack Level | csd version of operating system

(imported comment written by BenKus)

So the confusing thing is that the computer properly reports its information when you run the QnA locally, but not when you look in the console (it appears to be the same relevance query in both cases)… The agent should report its new info up automatically but can you right-click send refresh to the computer and see if things update.



(imported comment written by troyboy14k91)

Right-click refresh didn’t work at first, same old darn SP1… ugh.

But then I righ-clicked opened the server, and browsed around in the tabs checking stuff out and then I looked up and it displayed Service Pack 2 in the list. I’m not sure if there was a timing/refresh that needed to happen on the console, but something changed, and it’s now reporitng Service Pack 2. This did not happen when the date/time changed right away, and I don’t recall what I was clicking on in the comuter tabs, but I did not execute any tasks or jobs.

xxxxxx-VS-01 Win2003 5.2.3790 2200 MHz Dual Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 275 x2

11/17/2009 8:23:30 PM Service Pack 1

xxxxxx-VS-01 Win2003 5.2.3790 2200 MHz Dual Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 275 x2

11/17/2009 8:41:07 PM Service Pack 2