Windows 10 Update KB4534307


I searched the forums but didn’t see any mention of this patch; It was released yesterday 1/23/20. Are we going to be seeing this content update soon?


Gathering takes about 24 hours. I don’t have it yet either. If you need to roll out immediately, retrieve it from the update catalog manually and package up in software distribution w/ your normal action language…

continue if {exists running service “wuauserv” OR NOT exists service “wuauserv” whose (start type of it = “disabled”)}

waithidden “{pathname of system folder & “\wusa.exe”}” “{pathname of client folder of current site & “__Download\yourfilenamehere.msu”}” /quiet /norestart

action may require restart

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KB4534307 is a non-security update, which generally have a slower turnaround time.
You should expect to see it released by BigFix some time early next week.