Hey guys, just a quick question that I not seeing an answer for. Does the client version and above support a Windows 10 Operating System? If not, does any client version support Windows 10? Thank you in advance
The Windows 10 platform was supported in clients as of the 9.2.5 version.
You must be at least on that version on the endpoint.
Hey Alan, we did try installing this on 9.2.21 and it appears to work; however, it reports back as Windows 8. I am assuming that the seal of approval is only on 9.2.5? Thank you
Correct. Microsoft made some changes in Windows 10 on being able to correctly obtain the OS version so we had to work around that.
Version 9.2.5 or later will show the OS as Windows 10
Hi AlanM,
I encounter issue on the installing the core protection an windows 10.I used the iem console to push the agents to AD controlled clients computer which are using windows 10. so weird that I cannot see any core protection was install to these windows 10 pc. I check on my console it shows ther “unmanaged”, do u have any idea why like this?
thank you
Just wanted to add you can use the 9.2.5 version of the client on Win10 even if your BigFix infrastructure is on a previous version. This isn’t ideal, but it does work. We tend to use the newest client possible on the newest Win/Mac OSes ahead of rolling out the same version to our infrastructure due to it addressing issues within the clients.
We have been using BigFix with Windows 10 for quite a long time, when Windows 10 was still in BETA and it has worked, but there were some quirks that were addressed in versions 9.2.5+
I would recommend asking this CPM question in a different post in the CPM category. You could provide links to this post as well.
We also use CPM, but we are not installing CPM or any AV on Win10 because we consider Windows Defender to be superior. You can monitor Windows Defender with BigFix using analyses: https://bigfix.me/cdb/analysis/2994633
is it possible to permanent disable the windows defender so that the CPM will take over. if not can you help me step by step to monitor the client using the analyses.
I am hearing that bigfix 9.5.6 and below clients are not compatible with 1709. We are seeing issues shutting down systems and it is Bigfix that is stopping it.
Can anyone confirm or point me to a post?
Yes - you need to be on 9.5.7 or above for 1709.