Win 7 OS Install Date: 1969?

(imported topic written by DotA)

Is anyone else seeing the OS Install date reported by BigFix for Win 7 Pro Sp1 64 bit as Dec 31, 1969 ??

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

All my Windows 7 computers are returning the Install Date correctly.

The value is derived from the following, using the first 8 characters.

q: selects “InstallDate from Win32_OperatingSystem” of wmi

A: InstallDate=20100805073235.000000-420

Maybe you can check the return value of this WMI statement.

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by Veroda91)

I have never had any problems with dayts on me notebook.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I never had a problem with dates when single (and in my 20’s), but there is a date on my birth certificate that is causing me some concern in the last few years…

Oh…you meant…

nevermind :wink: