WiFi SSIDs and Networks analyses


Hi, great analyse. I wonder if it is possible to add network type and status?
For example: network 1; type - managed, status - in use; network 2; type- unmanaged, status - not in use.
Just like in windows 7 network properties - merge or delete network locations.
I look into it a bit, but i think that managed and category in registry network profiles are both in hex data.
Thanks for reading.

Can you provide examples and screenshots of the info you are looking for?

I believe some of the info you are looking for can be found in XML files or in the registry.

Can you share the path in the registry you are referring to?

See here: https://superuser.com/questions/148139/where-does-vista-windows-7-store-wireless-connection-information

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The XML data can be found under


Each folder under the Interfaces folder relates to a network interface. One of them will contain an XML file (one per Wireless network defined). Because our users tend to use their laptops in places like coffee shops and airports, I use a statement like the following to determine which of our multiple Wireless networks devices are configured to connect to … (I did this because we had some laptops that had connected to almost 100 different wireless networks!)

IF (Windows of Operating System AND (Exists Folder "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Wlansvc\Profiles\Interfaces")) THEN (Unique Values of ((node values whose ("wireless1;wireless2;wireless3;wireless4;wireless5;wireless6;guest;wireless7" contains (it as string as lowercase)) of selects "/WLANProfile/name/text()" of xml documents of files whose(name of it as lowercase ends with ".xml") of folders of folders "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Wlansvc\Profiles\Interfaces") as Lowercase)) ELSE (IF (Mac of Operating System) THEN (Unique Values of (it whose ("wireless1;wireless2;wireless3;wireless4;wireless5;wireless6;guest;wireless7" contains (it as string as lowercase)) of (strings "SSIDString" of dictionaries of values of entries of dictionaries "KnownNetworks" of dictionaries of files "/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.airport.preferences.plist")) as Lowercase) ELSE (NOTHING))

Replace the “wireless1; … wireless7” strings with a “;” separated list of your know Wireless networks. It won’t get you all the information you are looking for but might help limit what you need to look at.

You might be able to dig around in the Objects to see if they can give you any of the other data elements you are looking for.

Thank you for response. Great info for WLANs but I only need info for LAN at the moment.
Some of our computers doesnt get security updates.
We found out that although they are joined into a domain, the netowrk is still work network or public network. It should be domain network!
The info I looked into is located in registry under key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles{unique values}\ property (category and managed)