Does anyone know of a way to manage wireless networks using Bigfix? I would like the ability to add and remove networks as well as push out network password changes.
In Windows, you could use netsh wlan
commands to add and remove wireless networks. I think you would need to use netsh wlan export
to grab the wireless profile from a computer that has the connection, then you could import that profile with BigFix.
There’s also an option to remove wireless profiles. If just importing a profile with a changed password wouldn’t update it, you could remove it and re-add it.
More info here:
It says Windows 10, but I’m pretty sure the commands haven’t changed since at least Windows 7.
To expand on what @ajdavis8 said – you can create fixlets that use netsh to distribute wireless SSIDs.
For the relevance you can do something like:
values "ProfileName" of keys of keys "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles" of native registry
To get the currently configured network profiles (there may be other ways using WMI as well).
In addition there is an example here on how to push out the profile: