Why won't the "bes computer groups" object work in the BigFix console?

So I have a report I created that fetches the counts of computers and patches for each Computer Group. This report has been tested and is working in the BigFix REST API, but I am unable to replicate it in the BigFix Console. After ripping things out of it to see where the problem was, I discovered that it was the “bes computer groups” object itself that was causing problems. Even running a simple query like names of bes computer groups would return the error Error in the Session Relevance:.

Can someone explain why this Relevance Session Object won’t work in the BigFix console? This is the first time I’ve encountered an issue like this, as the console has never rejected a Session Object before.

Out of curiosity, where in the console are you creating this?

I’m building it in Web Reports.

In my environment, the following code in a custom report returns a list of all computer groups.

<?relevance names of bes computer groups?>

Could you provide a little more detail as to where and how you encounter the error message?