Why soap query can't find hostname, some of them returned as FQDN?

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

using my derived soap perl client from example in page

Following output log edit for privacy reason.

root@t-fedora14-32 bigfix

./bf.pl “exists bes computers whose( hostname of it = “t-ubuntu-1004-32”)”


root@t-fedora14-32 bigfix

./bf.pl “exists bes computers whose( hostname of it = “t-ubuntu-1004-32.test.com”)”


root@t-fedora14-32 bigfix

./bf.pl “hostnames of bes computers” |grep t-ubuntu-1004-32


root@t-fedora14-32 bigfix

But if I go to my console or webreport UI, “Computer Name” is shown as “t-ubuntu-1004-32”.

I checked the /etc/hostname on t-ubuntu-1004-32, it doesn’t have domainname in it.

In summary, my problem is that some of the machines displayed with FQDN while some are just hostname.

from all of my 638 bes computers after the “hostnames of bes computers” soap query

471 nodes displayed as FQDN format.

167 nodes displayed with just short hostname.

$ ./bf2.pl |egrep “.*.com” |wc -l


$ ./bf2.pl |wc -l



may be hostnames in “hostnames of bes computers” is not correct ?

The following blind shots failed also.

root@t-fedora14-32 bigfix

./bf.pl “computernames of bes computers”

faultcode: env:Client

faultstring: The operator “computernames” is not defined.

root@t-fedora14-32 bigfix

./bf.pl “computer names of bes computers”

faultcode: env:Client

faultstring: The operator “computer names” is not defined.

root@t-fedora14-32 bigfix

./bf.pl “computer name of bes computers”

faultcode: env:Client

faultstring: The operator “computer name” is not defined.

root@t-fedora14-32 bigfix

(imported comment written by MattBoyd)

Try the relevance “names of bes computers” instead. If you haven’t heard of the Inspector Search yet, you should check it out: http://support.bigfix.com/inspectorsearch/inspector_search.html.