Where is: Firefox ESR 24?

(imported topic written by TechMonkey)

So I patiently awaited the release of ESR24, notified our users of the upcoming change, FF24 was released, the Fixlet showed up the next day and…ESR fixlet is still from the 17 series. So I waited. It’s been a month now I think, and still no official fixlet. Anyone know anything?

(I tried modifying the existing one to use the ESR binary but it fails, but that’s for a different thread.)

Note that since it’s been so long many users are already updated to the regular FF24, so if an official fixlet is released, I’ll be looking for a way to “side-grade” folks from Release-Channel 24 to ESR24.

(imported comment written by BaiYunfei)

Hi, this is Yunfei from the Dev team of Updates for Windows Applications.

Please refer to the link below,

The latest ESR release was 17.0.9 (corresponds to Firefox 24 standard version), the Fixlet is available on site Updates for Windows Applications.

Since this is requested, we will provide an additional Fixlet for ESR 24.0 very soon, so you will have the option to choose to upgrade to either ESR 17.0.9 or ESR 24.0.

I will post an update here once ESR 24.0 Fixlet is available.

(imported comment written by TechMonkey)

Thank you for looking into this and the work you do. I am confused by part of your answer, however, and wish to clarify. You state:

“The latest ESR release was 17.0.9 (corresponds to Firefox 24 standard version)”.

But that is not true - 17.0.9 is just version 17 with some bug fixes. (Which is the point of having an ESR in the first place). 24ESR, is, well, Firefox24 but in the ESR release branch/schedule. That means it will have, say, the Mixed Content Blocker that was introduced in Firefox 23. Anything in the 17.x ESR (or 10.x ESR for that matter) line won’t, and of course the 17.x line will stop being updated in 12 weeks. (Well, 8, now.) The installer bits for 24ESR are listed at

, same as for 17.0.9ESR.

I’d also like to re-iterate my request that the fixlet have an option for installing the 24ESR version on top of existing 24Standard installs, if possible.

Thanks again!

(imported comment written by Xie_Ran91)

Hi TechMonkey,

Can u let me know the reason to “upgrade” Firefox from 24.0 to 24.0esr? Both of them looks the same to me except some different registry key or config file that indicate if it is “ESR”. I mean i don’t think 24.0esr includes extra bug fix or anything. Did I miss anything here?

  • XR

(imported comment written by TechMonkey)

Yes - I’m not sure you understand what ESR is, how it works or why it exists.

Whatever parts (probably config file) that is different is what tells it to pull updates from the ESR channel, not the release channel.

I don’t mind, in fact want it to, automatically/silently update when the next ESR patch comes out, say ESR24.3.1 (not a real patch), that fixes found security flaws. What I don’t want is it to install Firefox 25 when it comes out.

(imported comment written by BaiYunfei)

Hi TechMonkey, I totally agree with you. My apologies that I didn’t state it clearly -
The latest ESR release available on WinApps site was 17.0.9.

In addition, (Hi gtallan91,) I would like to announce that the Fixlet for Firefox ESR 24.0 has been released.

However, if you need to upgrade from 24.0 to ESR 24.0, please follow some additional steps below:

  • Make a custom copy of the new ESR24.0 Fixlet

  • Replace its version-checking relevance with this one:

exists regapp “firefox.exe” whose (product version of it = “24.0”) and exists value “Build” of version block of regapp “firefox.exe” and (it = “20130910160258”) of value “Build” of version block of regapp “firefox.exe”

This relevance should pick up all endpoints with Firefox 24.0 non-ESR installed.

(imported comment written by TechMonkey)

Official ESR fixlet was available when I checked this morning - thank you! (And I’ll try the custom side-grade later today.)

(imported comment written by gtallan91)

I’m waiting for firefox ESR 24 as well, though looking at the ESR lifecycle, versions 24.0 and 24.0.1 are both labelled as “qualify” phase - I was assuming bigfix would start packaging the update to 24ESR around the end of the 12-week cycle overlap. Though, I wouldn’t mind seeing it earlier too!

