What is "Platform id" of 3

According to

it shows Platform id as having the following 2 values

Possible values are 1 for Win9x and 2 for WinNT.

for Platform id. I have a bunch of computers that did not upgrade from 9.5 to 10.0.9 due to relevance 6 of

((name of it starts with “Win”) AND (platform id of it != 3) AND (version of it >= “6.2”)) of operating system

What is the meaning of platform id of 3, as it does not explain this in the above reference and is preventing a bunch of my Windows computers from upgrading.

Thanks in advance.

Regards … Leslie

I checked the values of
Platform id
version of operating system
and discovered that its the
version of operating system
thats not >= “6.2”

Is this check necessary, why is it in the relevance? Can I just remove that check?

Regards … Leslie

Version 6.2 is the original release of Windows 8.
BigFix client version10 is not supported on Windows 7. Those unsupported operating systems likewise would need to remain on the unsupported BigFix 9.5 client versions or removed entirely.

Hope this helps BigFix 10 - Detailed System Requirements - Customer Support