What happens when an Offered Action is accepted?

in an environment where clients work with polling commands, when an user accepts the action which is offered to him/her on client dashboard, how does the client behave ?

does it wait for polling period to start action ?

I’ve not looked into it explicitly, but I suspect it’s the same as when a targeted action is processed. There should be no delay simply because it is an Offer.

Downloads are Requested, then when they are ready, the client is notified, and downloads them.

Of course, if the client can’t be notified due to network or firewall limitations, it will rely on the Download Retry settings and ask for the files again.

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Thanks TimRice

is there any setting on client or server side to change this download retry setting ?

It is new data for me. I have not known if client needs a second notification from server to complete the same action.

Yes, I see the download available:false in the client log and after second try, approximately 10 minutes later, it starts to download and goes on action. But this period is different from polling time.

BigFix : Configuration Settings

I believe the ones you are looking for are …

  • _BESClient_Download_RetryMinutes
    When the BigFix Client fails to download a file from the BigFix Server or a BigFix Relay during an action, it will wait for the specified amount of time then try again. After each failed attempt, it will double the retry time.
  • _BESClient_Download_RetryLimit
    When the BigFix Client fails to download a file from the BigFix Server or a BigFix Relay during an action, it will retry the specified number of times (each time it will double the amount of time it waits to retry).

Not having the clients be reachable from the server via UDP creates all kinds of fun issues in BigFix, but so far, most of them have been resolvable with various settings.

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The 10 mins is the default time that a client will go back and try and fetch the download again. If the client can get UDP messages from its relay it should get a DownloadsAvailable message from the relay when the relay has the download and it should shorten the process.