I ran an update on our dev server from to and noted that the WebUI service doesn’t get updated to 9.5.4, it remains at Wondered if anyone else sees that and if that is correct. The installer didn’t give any options for selecting/deselecting WebUI, I was sure that it did on 9.5.3.
There is a Fixlet, right? 2656 Install IBM BigFix WebUI Service (Version 9.5.4). Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be an upgrade path. Looks like you have to uninstall the old and install the new.
Thanks @AlanM, indeed there is. I updated the service but the service was failing to start. Did a bit of digging and the cause seemed to be that the service path is not contain in quotes and causes the service to be seen as an invalid Win32 application. Modifying the path via “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BESWebUI” registry hive allowed the service to start successfully.
I don’t have this issue and the original install fixlet is the one that added the path to the service manager so if it worked before and doesn’t not that is a little unusual.
This was on Windows Server 2012R2. I removed the 9.5.3 WebUI using fixlet 2557 first, then used fixlet 2656 to install WebUI 9.5.4. The installation was to the same folder as the Bigfix application, which is on the D: drive and D: has both “Program Files” and “Program Files (x86)” folders. Although not related to the specific OS, this KB detailed the issue exactly (we also had the not a valid win32 application error in the event logs). https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/kb/812486
In fact the fixlet creates the BESWebUI service without quotes while other BES services are created with quotes, for example BESRootServer. In my Windows 208 R2 environment the BESWebUI service is able to start also without quotes, probably in the customer environment there is a kind of policy that doesn’t allow to start a service without quotes to prevent the “Microsoft Windows Unquoted Service Path Enumeration vulnerability”. Is that the case?
If there are ways to implement such a policy via a GPO, then its quite possible our DEV server could have had such a policy applied. That said, the service did start ok when we first upgraded from 9.5 patch 2 to 9.5 patch 3 where WebUI was first introduced as a separated service to the main application.
Guys if anyone has any ideas to help me out here please… I just upgraded today from platform 9.2.6 - where I had WebUI enabled and working with a webui.db of 94GB (which still exists) - to version 9.5.4.
I don’t see any applicable fixlets to upgrade or even remove the WebUI; any that are there are not applicable to the master server (which is where the WebUI is/was installed).
However, I am not seeing a BES WebUI service… It’s not in Services in the registry and the WebUIService.exe doesn’t exist. Here is what I see in the “…\BES Server\WebUI” folder:
When you remove the 9.2 version it also removes the 9.2 WebUI. IBM detached WebUI from the main application package in 9.5 as it can now be installed on a separate system to the main application server . As long as the endpoint has a 9.5.4 registration server and a 9.5.3 or later client, fixlet 2656 to deploy WebUI should be relevant. You can select the destination folder where WebUI is installed and also set a custom location for the DB. I’m not sure if you can copy the existing DB created by the previous version. WebUI is still a product we can’t use as we have over the number of managed endpoints WebUI is documented to support (ie over 60k)
Ok thanks @SLB; this is really helpful. It’s curious how it “removed” the WebUI, but left the folder structure - and the WebUI database - in place. Also slightly annoying how the actual fixlet to remove the WebUI (fully remove, I guess) is not relevant to the master server (or rather, the old version of the WebUI), nor is the fixlet to install the 9.5.4 WebUI!
I might just delete the registry keys and rename the WebUI folder to “old” and try installing it again… just need to decide if I should stick it on a neighbouring server instead. And not that the WebUI is ideal for our environment (which is 86k endpoints and expanding) but I don’t have any choice in the matter.