WebReprt Question

Dumb web report question, I have a web report using the relevance below to return the current version of the Windows patching site. I am hoping some one can help make this better

<?Relevance version of bes site whose (name of it = "Enterprise Security")?>

This simply returns a number such as 4209. I was hoping to add some text to this such as “Your Windows Patching site is at version 4209” Any ideas?

Sure! The relevance tag can be used anywhere, it’s just inline HTML.

Your Windows Patching Site is at version <?Relevance version of bes site whose (name of it = "Enterprise Security")?>
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oh my that was easy. Lets try one more things. If I wanted to have a report that had a few sites in it with each site on a seperate line. For example
The Windows Patching site is at version <?Relevance version of bes site whose (name of it = "Enterprise Security")?>
The Updates for Windows Applications site is at version <?Relevance version of bes site whose (name of it = "Updates for Windows Applications")?>
I think there needs to be a line break or some type of separator

Sure, keep in mind this is HTML source we’re editing, so you’d add either a <BR> or <P> tag to break a line or paragraph

The Windows Patching site is at version <?Relevance version of bes site whose (name of it = "Enterprise Security")?> <BR>
The Updates for Windows Applications site is at version <?Relevance version of bes site whose (name of it = "Updates for Windows Applications")?> <BR>

If you want to get even better, you can use Relevance to build the rows of a table. On my phone now, can’t test this, but something like

Site Versions<P>
<table border="all">
<?relevance concatenation of trs of (td of name of it & td of (version of it as string)) of BES sites ?>
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