Web Reports Repository

Is it a baseline?

If so, try this console dashboard: bigfix-content/dashboards/BaselineStatusResults.ojo at main · jgstew/bigfix-content · GitHub

If the dashboard works for you, I might be able to turn it into a web report, but I think this dashboard is what you are looking for.

( any web report can be a console dashboard, but the reverse isn’t always the case )

See this post for a screenshot: `BigFix Global Search` Dashboard and WebReport

Other Examples: bigfix-content/webreports at main · jgstew/bigfix-content · GitHub

The easiest method to test a dashboard one time is to put the OJO file in a folder, enable the console debug menu, and then use the “Load Wizard” option.

To keep the custom dashboard and make it available to other operators, I recommend making a custom site called “Custom Dashboards” or similar, and give all the operators read access to it that you wish to be able to use them, add the OJO file there, and make sure to have No Computers subscribe to it, since the file will only be used by the console and not clients.