Web Reports relevance problem

Dear All

i have a relevance that shows me all actions that i’ve performed during patching cycle, it looks like this

<?Relevance ((name of computers of it as string & ";" & operating system of computers of it as string & ";" & name of action of it as string & ";" & status of it as string &";" & ((month of it as two digits & "/" & day_of_month of it as two digits & "/" & year of it as string) of date(local time zone) of it) of time issued of action of it as string) of results of bes actions whose (name of parent group of it ="MS22-JUN-SAT") as string) whose (it contains "Fixed") ?>

is it possible to add collumn with – name of parent group of it =“MS22-JUN-SAT”-- ?
i’ve tried to add &";" & name of parent group of it as string &";" & but i’ve received The operator “parent group” is not defined.

Yes, you can add ‘name of parent group of <action>’, but keep in mind that inside the parentheses you’re iterating through <action result> so you’ll have to get back to the action from the result, as in name of parent group of action of it | "No Parent"