Web Reports Filter Help

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

I’m trying to create a report on about 20 machines, all I have are their serial numbers. First thought was to create a filter to include these numbers then generate the report.

The problem I’m having is that when I drill down to ‘Windows - Serial Numbers’ I have to browse through about 100k other serial numbers and ctrl-click the 20 that I need, which needless to say is very frustrating. I’m wondering if there’s an easier method to create this filter or am I just stuck with the needle in the haystack approach:) ??



(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Create a semi-colon separated list of your serial numbers, in double-quotes, then…

  1. create a new Automatic Computer Group

  2. Choose “Relevance Expression” from the Property pop-up menu

  3. Click the Edit Relevance button

  4. Create something like this:

exists element whose (it is computer name) of set of (“computer-1”; “computer-2”; “computer-3”)

Except you will replace “computer name” with your serial number property.

(imported comment written by Bill.Ehardt)

I found this the other day… which might be useful: http://forum.bigfix.com/viewtopic.php?id=2497

You should be able to create a manual group from those.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

thanks guys, this helps alot!
