Web Reports encountered the following error: NoSuchSiteID

(imported topic written by chipjnr)


We are running BES version We upgraded the SQL database from 2000 to 2005 & it completed successfully.

All users can log into the BES console & actions can be deployed.

However, when I log into web reports I get an error.

Errors have occurred. The data might be unreliable or undefined.

I set the SA as owner of the BESreporting database & I know get a different error.

Web Reports encountered the following error: NoSuchSiteID

The database is mounted as I can access it from the MS SQL server management studio.

All the DSN connections in ODBC connect successfully.

I have sent a mail to support@bigfix.com but I’m still waiting for a reply so in the meantime I’m hoping somebody here could help.



(imported comment written by MikeOttum)

Hi Neil,

Did you change the name of the database in Web Reports when you upgraded SQL Server?


(imported comment written by chipjnr)

Hi Mike,

No, the name of the database stayed the same (BESReporting). When I go to the Database tab I noticed that the database was disabled. When I re-enabled it all the information is now there.

Thanks for the help.


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

After migrating my clients to a new server with SQL2008 I’m am having this same issue. I created some reports and they worked fine for a couple of days, but it seems that they broke after a server reboot. I restored the database to the dy before the reboot, and once more the reports worked for a couple of days and then I started receiving the NoSuchSiteID message this time the server wasn’t rebooted.

I came from a Server 2003x86 SQL 2005 running BES to Server2003x64 SQL2008 running BES

The migration was successfull, only web reports is giving me problems.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Support has helped me with my issue. Apparently when I imported some tables from my old server, the filters where still referencing to my old database. Supprt showed me how to enable logging on BES Web Reports to find out what reports were doing this. After recreating the filters (I had already attempted to recreate reports) the issue seems to be resolved.

To enable logging :
