Web Reporter -- Help

Hi Guys

I am having issues when trying to import ext-3.2.0-computercompliance16-asset12-fixletcompliance11 into the BES web reporter.

I copy the file as instructed to the location yet when i login to Web reporter the reports are not there --its like the system did not detect their presence ??

Has anyone had this issue ?

Did you try just page refresh, I have seen this even after login-logout its not updated but a refresh will do that, try it.


It was a reg setting that was needed to be changed,

@joseg helped me out “Hi, in new installs of 9.5, the ability to import custom reports is disabled by default. It can be re-enabled setting a value of 1 for the registry setting HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\BigFix\Enterprise Server\BESReports\AllowCustomReportCreation.”

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