Web Report - PDF Export Error

(imported topic written by Kiran_Patil91)

Hi all,

Can any one help me on this error,

I m getting following error post excuting pdf report generation even if i do not select Customized Executable option

File error “class FileCopyError” on “D:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\BESReportsData\ArchiveData__pdf\big68E4.tmp” and “C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\big68E1.tmp”: Windows Error: 2: The system cannot find the file specified.

Also similar error if i select export to pdf option available at top right corner in any general imported report.

if Customized Executable option selected, getting error,

The following activities encountered errors and have been disabled. Enable the activities to clear the errors.

Background process “BESMakePDF.exe” returned non-zero exit code 1: Error creating PDF: Failed to set the default printer: Windows Error: The printer name is invalid.

i have alerady reinstalled fixlets 602 & 603

Please let me know if any more info required.

