Web Report Access for non BigFix user

(imported topic written by mdb2691)

Is it possible for non BIgFix trained people to access web reports.

My manager would like to be able to access the reports (mainly inventory information) but does not need nor should have access to the bigfix console.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Sure… They are separate users so you shouldn’t have any problems…


(imported comment written by mdb2691)

How would they access the web reports then? Since their log in credentials would not be applicable.

(imported comment written by SY57_Jim_Montgomery)

You create an account in Web Reporting for the user to access. It’s separate from the BES console, and separate from their network login. Completely different set of user accounts in there. (Although you


link them to a BES console user, to control what scope they can see.)
