(imported comment written by SteveRinMa)
Below is log files the exe through PSExec, I wanted to test running as the system account, I am not able to find any info on this error (DupUnhandledException): *** DupUnhandledException.
Failed using System account
09/11/12 16:40:28
Self Contained Executable(SCE) Execution Start
09/11/12 16:40:28
Original command line: “C:\dellwol.exe”
09/11/12 16:40:28
SCE EXE Version:
09/11/12 16:40:28
SCE Release: R309560
09/11/12 16:40:28
User Command: unattended
09/11/12 16:40:28
SCE Capabilities Value: 471859199 (0x1C1FFFFF)
09/11/12 16:40:28
SCE Vendor Software Version: 2.1
09/11/12 16:40:28
Local System/Model Compatible with this Package? Yes
09/11/12 16:40:28
Local System OS Version:
09/11/12 16:40:28
OS Compatible with this Package? Yes
09/11/12 16:40:28
Local System OS Language: EN
09/11/12 16:40:28
Language Compatible with this Package? Yes
09/11/12 16:40:28
(DupUnhandledException): *** DupUnhandledException
Returned error after running C:\dellwol.exe exited on d501notestest09 with error code -1073741819.
Change not applied in BIOS
Succeeded using my account
09/12/12 10:02:12
Self Contained Executable(SCE) Execution Start
09/12/12 10:02:12
Original command line: “C:\dellwol.exe”
09/12/12 10:02:12
SCE EXE Version:
09/12/12 10:02:12
SCE Release: R309560
09/12/12 10:02:12
User Command: unattended
09/12/12 10:02:12
SCE Capabilities Value: 471859199 (0x1C1FFFFF)
09/12/12 10:02:12
SCE Vendor Software Version: 2.1
09/12/12 10:02:12
Local System/Model Compatible with this Package? Yes
09/12/12 10:02:12
Local System OS Version:
09/12/12 10:02:12
OS Compatible with this Package? Yes
09/12/12 10:02:12
Local System OS Language: EN
09/12/12 10:02:12
Language Compatible with this Package? Yes
09/12/12 10:02:12
Identified Behavior : unattended
09/12/12 10:02:12
Temporary payload log file name: C:\Documents and Settings\rices\Application Data\dell\drivers\dellwol\SCEEC61.tmp
09/12/12 10:02:12
Translated Command Line : applyconfig.bat -l=“C:\Documents and Settings\rices\Application Data\dell\drivers\dellwol\SCEEC61.tmp”
09/12/12 10:02:12
Path : C:\Documents and Settings\rices\Application Data\dell\drivers\dellwol
09/12/12 10:02:12
Identified Behavior : unattended
09/12/12 10:02:21
Append Vendor Software Log: C:\Documents and Settings\rices\Application Data\dell\drivers\dellwol\SCEEC61.tmp
09/12/12 10:02:21
- Start of Vendor Software Log —
09/12/12 10:02:21
ASCII payload log file detected.
09/12/12 10:02:21
2012/09/12 10:02:21 cctk - wakeonlan=enable
09/12/12 10:02:21
- End of Vendor Software Log —
09/12/12 10:02:21
Get name of the Folder file: C:\
09/12/12 10:02:21
Vendor Software Return Code: 0
09/12/12 10:02:21
Name of Exit Code: SUCCESS
09/12/12 10:02:21
Name of Exit Code: SUCCESS
09/12/12 10:02:21
Exit Code set to: 0 (0x0)
09/12/12 10:02:21
09/12/12 10:02:21
Name of Exit Code: SUCCESS
09/12/12 10:02:21
Execution terminated at date-time 09/12/12 10:02:21
09/12/12 10:02:21
dellwol.exe exited on d501notestest09 with error code 0.