Im using a bat file in order to copy information from a share drive, the copy works without issues, but i noticed that the waithidden is not working, every time that i run the action it opens 3 dos windows, it’s not waiting to complete one copy and then move to the other instruction.
delete __appendfile
appendfile @echo off
appendfile NET USE f: /DELETE /persistent:yes
appendfile NET USE f: {parameter “a”}\D$ {parameter “p”} /USER:{parameter “a”{parameter “b”}
After the changes the action script works without issues, i’m using an schedule activity in order to run the task every day, but i notice that for some computers the action never ends it has a message of “Running” and if i look into the action this is what i see.
if i go into the computer and kill the cmd.exe, the action continues. This action should take seconds to complete the process, do i need to check and kill the cmd.exe process before de execution?
Why don’t you try using a “wait” rather than “waithidden”, and remove the --q. Then you can see what’s going on when you deploy it to a PC.
It might also help to change “cmd.exe /C” to “cmd.exe /K” so it gives you a chance to read it without it exiting automatically. /K tells CMD to stay open after the command finishes.