Waithidden failing with quotes

(imported topic written by ken@gracenote91)


I am able to run the following command manually on the command line of the target test machine:

C:\WINDOWS>c:\windows\system32\certutil -delstore AuthRoot "b1 bc 96 8b d4 f4 9d 62 2a a8 9a 81 f2 15 01 52 a4 1d 82 9c"
402.203.0: 0x80070057 (WIN32: 87): ..CertCli Version
CertUtil: -delstore command completed successfully.

But when I include it in a fixlet targeted at that same test machine, the command fails to execute.

Note that I have tried it both with two sets of quotes around the hex string AND with %22 for the inside quotes

Action Script Execution Detail
Failed   waithidden "c:\windows\system32\certutil -delstore AuthRoot %22b1 bc 96 8b d4 f4 9d 62 2a a8 9a 81 f2 15 01 52 a4 1d 82 9c%22"

Any thoughts ?

Note that I can run the command manually (from the command line) multiple times in a row and it always completes successfully



(imported comment written by MattBoyd)

I don’t think you need quotes at the beginning and end of the waithidden command… did you try this?

waithidden c:\windows\system32\certutil -delstore AuthRoot “b1 bc 96 8b d4 f4 9d 62 2a a8 9a 81 f2 15 01 52 a4 1d 82 9c”

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Alternately, you need to close the quotes around the executable name (otherwise Windows will think the whole thing is a file name):

waithidden “c:\windows\system32\certutil” -delstore AuthRoot “b1 bc 96 8b d4 f4 9d 62 2a a8 9a 81 f2 15 01 52 a4 1d 82 9c”


(imported comment written by ken@gracenote91)

yup… that worked!
