Hi i aḿ using the bigfix on windows server 2016.
The default vm manager was not working, so i tried do upgrade with the fixlet upgrade vm manager, the fixlet erased the original vmmanager and failed to install the new one.
After that i tried to install with the instalation fixlet and it keeps failing. It fails before the download.
Is it possible to reintall throught the original fixlet? I tried but the files don´t exist to download anymore.
Any one can help, tomorow our company will be audited.
Download links of the installation fixlet are working, can you screenshot the action info, to see which line of the action script is failing? Please double check the free disk space on the target computer as well.
You can also try to run the uninstall fixlet, in case some references of the VM manager are preventing the installation to succeed.
it fails with exit code 32, i attached the action but it is big
the uninstall fixlet is grayed out
IMHO the “BES Client\LMT\VMMAN” folder is being used by some process, probably the VM manager service itself. Check if the service “IBM VM Manager Data Collector” still exists: if it does, stop it. If it doesn’t, check if prunsrv.exe is running on the server and kill it eventually. Then, re-run the fixlet.
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