I’m trying to see if I can view the relevance behind a custom filter within Web Reports.
Filters set from within the Web Reports UI don’t really leverage session relevance per se under the covers. If you’re able to provide us with the filter criteria, we can likely provide some sample session relevance that would achieve a similar affect.
We’re in the middle of updating/changing where everything points to for DNS servers, I’m trying to pull back all of the servers that do not have the new settings.
How about something like this?
names of members whose ((it does not contain "value1" OR it does not contain "value2") of value of result from (bes property "DNS Servers - Windows(C)") of it) of bes computer group whose (name of it = "computergroup1")
Hey Aram, thank you for the response. While the relevance looks like it should be exactly what I need, the results aren’t quite right. It only returns 4 systems I know there should be a lot more than that. As an additional note, I’m trying to play around and figure out some things surrounding the value of the bes property to use as a qualifier for a custom action that I’ve created to change the DNS servers settings on systems as well.