Very simple Fixlet stuck on "evaluating"

(imported topic written by macook91)

I am trying to get a very simple fixlet to work…

Action Script…


continue if {(size of it = 8582536 AND sha1 of it = “ac9a021dc07c9a269b547b2a5b07719f61cd9368”) of file “Firefox-setup.exe” of folder “__Download”}

wait __Download\Firefox-setup.exe


(name of it = “Win2000” OR name of it = “WinXP” OR name of it = “WinXP-2003” OR (name of it = “Win2003” AND NOT x64 of it) OR (name of it = “Win2003” AND x64 of it) OR (name of it = “WinVista” AND product type of it = nt workstation product type AND NOT x64 of it) OR (name of it = “WinVista” AND product type of it = nt workstation product type AND x64 of it) OR ((name of it = “Win2008” or (name of it = “WinVista” and product type of it != nt workstation product type)) AND NOT x64 of it) OR ((name of it = “Win2008” or (name of it = “WinVista” and product type of it != nt workstation product type)) AND x64 of it) OR (name of it = “Win7” AND NOT x64 of it) OR (name of it = “Win7” AND x64 of it) OR name of it = “Win2008R2” OR name of it = “WinXPe”) of operating system AND TRUE

This is straight out of the software deployment wizard. Only when i deploy it to a workstation, it just sits there “Evaluating” and never actually executes.

Any ideas?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Does it do the same thing on multiple computers… It might be related to an unrelated agent issue on that one computer.


(imported comment written by macook91)

You’re right, did a reset of the client and its fine. Thanks for the quick response.

(imported comment written by jonrobinson91)

I’m having a nearly identical problem. How do you reset the client?

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

It usually means stopping the client, deleting the Data directory, and restarting the client.

(imported comment written by jonrobinson91)

So you have to physically access the machine?