Value of a property in a webreport

I’m looking to get the values of a Custom Analysis, except for “blank” values . This is as far as I can get. It runs but does not come back with any values.

((item 1 of it , item 0 of it) of (multiplicity of it, it) of unique values of values of results of it ) of bes properties whose (not exists (value of result of it ="") and name of it = “Version” and name of source analysis of it = “Custom Analysis - Windows” )

If I remove the “not exists (value of result of it =”") and" it does come back with values.

Your filter isn’t quite right…you’re filtering “BES Property”, but you actually want to filter “BES Property Result”, right? And also checking not exists (value of result of it ="") is actually looking at not exists (true) or not exists (false), and those both exist so…there’s that.


(multiplicity of it, it) of unique values of values whose (it != "") of results of bes properties whose (name of it = “Version” and name of source analysis of it = “Custom Analysis - Windows” )

Thank you Jason! Exactly what I needed.