Using Wildcards in Pathnames for Lines of File

Is it possible to use a wild card in a path name when doing a lines of file output?


lines of file "/sys/block/sd*/size"

Essentially this could be any letter from sda to sdz

I had thought about regex but I’m so bad with this that I failed (as usual)

Q: lines of file "/sys/block/sd(regex("[a-z]"))/size"
E: This expression contained a character which is not allowed.

Q: lines of file "/sys/block/sd(regex('[a-z]'))/size"
E: Singular expression refers to nonexistent object.


I’m now looking at how to get the line results from this:

unique values of pathnames of files "size" of folders whose (name of it starts with "sd") of folder "/sys/block"

Q: unique values of pathnames of files "size" of folders whose (name of it starts with "sd") of folder "/sys/block"
A: /sys/block/sda/size
A: /sys/block/sdb/size
T: 532


Got it

Q: lines of files "size" of folders whose (name of it starts with "sd") of folder "/sys/block"
A: 31457280
A: 209715200