When I look in the Bigfix console and looking at all the actions, there is a column named “Site” which I believe indicates where the fixlet was used for that particular action as it shows different site names (some are custom sites and some are external sites)
How do I find this same information using the API. When I run following API using browser, it lists all actions and some other details about the actions but I am not able to find the “Site” information in the results.
Or even if I try reading details on just one action, it does not have site information
But if I remove string “, display name of site of source fixlet of it | “n/a”” from the API query, then I get the list of all actions (missing the site name I need)
How are you sending the query? The query needs to be URL-encoded (replacing double quotes with %22 and, usually, spaces with %20, for instance). Depending on your scripting language or CURL usage that might be done for you automatically or you may need to do it yourself before sending the query.
There’s an action that doesn’t have a source fixlet, so that throws the error message. Custom Actions, Settings actions, etc. don’t have a source fixlet so that is expected.
To use the query in a browser URL directly, try using an online utility like https://www.urlencoder.org/ to generate the URL-encoded version of your query.
If you feed it
(display name of site of source fixlet of it | "n/a") of bes actions
Thanks for posting back and clarifying. I think the safest route is to explicitly URL-encode the entire query, either using a URL-encoder site/utility or the curl --data-urlencode option. It seems Chrome is transparently encoding some portions of the query for you, but perhaps isn’t doing it all or doing it all correctly.