Using BES to check if people are stealing mouse?

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

Dear all,

Is it possible for BES to check if people are stealing mouse?

I studied Ben’s guide on “Using BES to check if people are stealing RAM” but I still can’t get a clue how to modify it to check if people are stealing mouse.

Would appreciate if anyone can help. Thanks in advance.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

This post might help point you in the right direction:

I assume you will then have to store values for when a mouse was connected and then detect when this is no longer the case. This would be a bit tricky for things like laptops where the user might regularly connect and disconnect a mouse.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi jwilkinson,

Thanks for the link!

However, do you have any idea how BES / Windows detect P/S2 or bluetooth mouse as well? I need this because not all of my PCs using USB mouse at the moments.