Using Action script to uninstall via GUIDs?

(imported topic written by deschodt91)

I’ve had success uninstalling apps with big fix using msiexec.exe /x “path of the software’s MSI” /qn

One of those apps (PC anywhere11) is giving me fits because we don’t “truly” have an MSI for it - it was an exe install packaged with symantec packager, but as you know, if you can find its uninstall GUID in the registry, you can use that instead… Something like "wait msiexec.exe /x {50b2-55fg-blah-blah} /qn

This works perfectly from a Run command in XP and de-installs it clean, but…it fails everytime if run the same command from a big fix action. Any idea why ?

Do I need to insert something else in the action script because it’s a GUID and not a path ? I could have sworn I’ve done this before in BigFix but I can’t find that old script.

Thanks for any suggestions…

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi deschodt,

The “{” character needs to be escaped in actions… try adding an extra “{”… Try this:

wait msiexec.exe /x {{50b2-55fg-blah-blah} /qn


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hey deschodt,

If you don’t want to hard-code the specific guid, you can also use the DisplayName in the registry to locate the name of the guid. This way you could uninstall anything from PCAnywhere 10.0 through the current version.

wait msiexec.exe /x {name of key whose (value “DisplayName” of it = “Symantec pcAnywhere” and name of it starts with “{”) of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall” of registry} /qn


(imported comment written by deschodt91)

Ha, very good - Thank you both !!! I got it to work by putting that uninstall code in wise script and running the resulting exe in big fix, but I will go back and try both your ideas for future reference ! thanks !