Users in the admin group

(imported topic written by boostaz191)

I need help creating a fixlet which will allow me to add a specified user account to the local admin group is the account does not already exist there. I currently have this part. ‘run detached {pathname of system folder]\net.exe localgroup administrators mydom\myadmin /add’ but I need to know how to find out if this user is already a member of the group.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi boostaz1,

You can use something like this in BES 6.0+:

q: exists member whose (it as string = “BIGFIX\Domain Admins”) of local group "Administrators"
A: True

Some more info at:


(imported comment written by boostaz191)

I got it thanks all I used the following relevance:

not exists member whose (it as string as lowercase contains “domain\user”) of local group “Administrators”

(imported comment written by gage)

I am trying to add an account if it doesn’t exist as a local user or as the following: \machine\root\cimv2:Win32_Group.Domain=“domain”,Name=“group”

The not exists … statement boostaz1 used worked for the local account. What would I use to test for the existence of the other account?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi gage,

Can you tell me a bit more about this account? Is this a domain account that is a member of a domain group on the local computer?


(imported comment written by gage)


Yes. Some of the Sysadmins added the group Domain Admins of which this account is a member. If a person logs onto our domain, they get the account by GP. If they log onto a trusted domain that has set up a GP, they get the group Domain Admins added. Does that answer your question?

This account needs to be on all machines – regardless. Which is what I am trying to do.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi gage,

Does something like this work?

q: not exists local group “domain\groupname”
