User security information using bigfix relevance


I am working on a analysis where I have to get information mentioned in image, that Information came from the Linux command but I want to use bigfix relevance to get it. Kindly advise.

Also I only need “Maximum number of days between password change” and it corresponding data.

You can try this:

Q: ((parenthesized part 1 of it, parenthesized part 5 of it) of first matches (regex "^(.*):(.*):(.*):(.*):(.*):(.*):(.*):(.*):(.*)$") of lines  whose (it contains "vkhurava") of file "/etc/shadow")
A: vkhurava, 99999
T: 511
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@vk.khurava thank you so much for the help. I need one more help here.

We are running a relevance which is

continue if {not exists lines whose (it contains (parameter “IP”) and it as uppercase contains (parameter “HOSTNAME” as uppercase)) of file “c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts”}

Here we are using action parameter query to give our input for IP and HOSTNAME.

We want to give multiple inputs for IP, and HOSTNAME server1 server2 server 3 in above relevance using this action parameter query, how can we achieve this, kindly advise.

replied to your original post.