User cancellation in pc shutdown in a policy action


I have a policy action scheduled to shutdown the organization computers due to a energy saving policy. The thing is, that the user can cancel the action if he/she is still working and needs the computer switched on. If the user cancels the shutdown action, I see the action as cancelled and it doesn’t reevaluate anymore. Is there any way to reset the policy action status everyday for example?

Thanks and regards,

I believe you could use the “Reapply whenever it becomes relevant again” setting on the Action, and you’ll need to toggle the Relevance such that it becomes non-relevant and then Relevant again when it runs. You could do that by updating a Client Setting in the actionscript, but I’ve become fond of using

not exists (last active time of action) whose (now - it < 1 * day)

When this is applied as Task/Fixlet relevance, it’s always “true” (because there’s no “last active time of action”). But when it’s evaluated in the context of an Action, there may be a “last active time of action”. So once the Action executes, it becomes non-relevant and then will become relevant again one day later.

Also, instead of allowing the user to cancel the action, you might let the action run (with a post-action reboot), and allow the user to cancel the reboot instead.

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