Upper limit on Patch rollup baseline ? (invalid member action)

We’ve inherited a large number of new machines previously unmanaged by BF. All of them are possibly a couple years back in patches for EVERYTHING (MS, adobe, you name it). We’ve rolled up our monthly patch baseline into a yearly one for those machines, and that seems too much to take… Some jobs do complete, but lots of machines report “running” or “pending download” with “(invalid member action)” appended… What’s that about ? And what’s the best way to catch up without cratering bigfix ?

I’ve seen the documented 250 max per baseline… Is that still accurate… We were way above that and will split up, but still, any ideas welcome…

You can definitely go above 250, but it is best to keep it smaller than 250 if you can.

You might consider making a baseline for Windows critical patches only and start there, then a baseline for adobe products only, then windows important patches, and then one for just Office, etc…