Hey folks, has there been any light shed on the topic of the UploadManager being able to send files to another specific location other than the normal folder structure in UploadManagerData? Looking for the the simplicity of choosing a folder so that all of the files go into the same place, not a folder based on the computer ID. Just curious, I have something that came up where this would be very helpful.
The default folder structure of Upload Manager isn’t too helpful, I agree. What I’ve done in the past was to have a policy action on the root server that runs a daily shell script to copy out data from the the Upload Manager folder into a different folder structure based on the types of data within it. What is helpful here is to have either a file naming convention or files with metadata included in your upload so that when the script runs on the root server, it knows where to copy the data into. Hopefully that makes sense.
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@heagsta, here is a simple example that I’ve made generic from one of our tasks. Note the relevance for this task should be the root server.
// Clear previous files from destination log folder
// Copy log type 1 to its respective folder - assumes an index.txt file with metadata is part of the upload file set, this is option and could be adjusted without it
appendfile {("XCopy %22" & item 0 of it & "\*SomeLogNameConvention*.*%22 %22DESTINATION_TARGET_PATH\%22 /e /c /i /y%0d%0a") of ((pathnames of it, lines 1 of files "Index.txt" of it as string) of folders of folders of it) of folders "PATH_TO_UPLOAD_MGR" whose (exists file "Index.txt" of folders of folders of it)}
// Copy log type 2 to its respective folder - repeat appendfile statement above for each discrete type of file to sort
// Cleanup upload folder structure.
appendfile {("RmDir %22" & it & "%22 /s /q%0d%0a" ) of ((pathnames of it as string) of folders of it ) of folders "PATH_TO_UPLOAD_MGR"}
delete "LogUploads.bat"
copy __appendfile "LogUploads.bat"
waithidden Cmd.exe /C "LogUploads.bat"
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