Upload Zip file to BF server and distribute to Clients

Hello all, i hope i can get some help. I zipped a folder and uploaded it to the BF server via the software distribution wizard. I have the sha, size name etc and i can create a task to the client that i want to “copy” the zip file to but i cannot get the folder to move out of the __Download folder.

I tried to copy it manually out of there but when i tried to extract it, there was no files detected as if it was empty? I dont know if i am missing something or perhaps am going the wrong way about this.

I uploaded the zip folder to BF, and the prefetch details are as below:
prefetch 38d334450079994f2551f296428d0cd014bf47f1 sha1:38d334450079994f2551f296428d0cd014bf47f1 size:1944552626 http://xx.xx.xxx.com:52311/Uploads/38d334450079994f2551f296428d0cd014bf47f1/test.zip.tmp sha256:dadd86ddc60410aa0ec1681b3595d836a155daec552338cd2c341ef2f5feb230
extract 38d334450079994f2551f296428d0cd014bf47f1

I took this and changed it to this to distribute the zip to the client machines
prefetch test.zip sha1:38d334450079994f2551f296428d0cd014bf47f1 size:1944552626 http://xx.xx.com:52311/Uploads/38d334450079994f2551f296428d0cd014bf47f1/test.zip.tmp

//copy from download to user desktop
copy __Download\test.zip C:\users\user\desktop\

Because of the limitation with access to this client, i cannot just point from one share to another to copy the files, i have to host the files on the BF server.

I donct have access to a console at the moment but I think the ‘copy’ command needs the filename for the destination, not just the folder name.

Jason- the client is unable to access local shares and so i cannot execute the copy command to go from one share to that client folder. I have done that in the past with files/folders that can be accessed via shares with no issues but i couldnt do that in this case

Actually I was referring to the actionscript ‘copy’ command you are using. https://developer.bigfix.com/action-script/reference/file/copy.html

The examples and the usage I’ve used before included the filename of the destination file as well as the source.

So where you use
copy __Download\test.zip C:\users\user\desktop\
I’d try
copy __Download\test.zip C:\users\user\desktop\test.zip