Upgrade to 9.5.3: Error

Hi Guys

Running the besadmin.exe, I have the following:

If I click ok, the Administration Tool opens… But i can’t imagine that this is normal? And that it upgraded my DB correctly?

Any idea? We’re coming from 9.2.6. I did have an error during installation, but installation continued without any warning or anything… And if I look at my installed programs, it says version 9.5.3. So I assume it has been installed correctly?


It seems that the upgrade procedure failed to properly upgrade the DB. For this reason, when opening the Admin tool, it discovers that the DB is backlevel and tries to upgrade it, failing again.

I would suggest to contact the IBM support team; by analyzing the BESAdmin log file, they should be able to suggest the best course of actions to properly complete the DB upgrade.

Thanks man. I’ve already filed a PMR. I’ll keep this post updated.

Okay, our DBA gave the wrong user the full rights…

So my installation failed… Is it possible to update only the DB? Because I can’t reinstall version 9.5.3 without uninstalling it first (what I don’t want)

If your user now has all the required permission, you can try running the admin tool again. The admin tool should offer to upgrade the DB. If the upgrade succeeds, I think the deployment should be usable.

Stop all the Bigfix services before running the admin tool, just to avoid other services to try accessing the DB, while the upgrade is still in process.

yes, I tried that, but no luck… It keeps on failing and saying that some columns are duplicated or missing. So no luck, I think something changes already during server installation (which failed too, but continued anyway). Maybe IBM BigFix can foresee this? When installation fails, that it does a roll-back to the previous version again and that it doesn’t continue with the fail…

I’ve reverted the server and the DB to this morning so we can test the upgrade again (it’s our test environment, so we really want a successful upgrade without the need of messing around afterwards).

Thanks anyway for your help @bpastore


IBM is creating a fix to avoid this from happening. They will make some extra checks during installation (like user rights, etc).

Hi, just to clarify.
The failure was generated by insufficient user privileges while upgrading the database.
Based on the above, the error cannot be avoided. We are considering to add a check for these privileges in a preliminary phase to simplify the recovery procedure in case the problem occurs.

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