Updating Zoom when installed in userprofile\appdata location?

Hello everyone, non-export bfix user needing some assistance.

Users dont have admin rights to their machines, so zoom is usually installed on the user instance under C:\Users\bob\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\bin\Zoom.exe. I know there are fixlets to update zoom x64 but that installs zoomunder c:\program files\ which would require admin intervention in such a case when a user is joining a call and an update is needed.

is there a way to just update the version within appdata?


Appears no one responded. We have this same issue and I am researching a solution.

I haven’t tried it, but if the content of the zoom folder is portable (does not dependent on any thick installation, kind of 7zip etc.) , you may do the trick by updating it manually in your login and using that as new prefetch values to update or replace the older files in the current user login.

Or Using a logon script via GPO and a batch script to update the content with domain admin credentials.