Updating XML File


Am new with using Bigfix and updating XML files. Do you have a good method or can Bigfix run a command to update the attributes and nodes within an XML file?

This is an example of the xml file that am trying update. Right now, the only way that I was able to run updates is by using a powershell script.

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BigFix does not have an explicit command to do XML editing in action script.
Adding your powershell into the action would be a good approach.

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Here’s an example of one I did recently to update the xml for a scheduled task, that prompts for some data before running the task using action parameter query.

action parameter query "StartBoundary" with Description "Start Hour(s):"
action parameter query "StartMinutes" with Description "Start Min(s):"
action parameter query "EndBoundary" with Description "End Hour(s):"
action parameter query "EndMinutes" with Description "End Min(s):"

delete c:\Temp\update_xml.ps1
delete __createfile
createfile until EOF
$new_StartBoundary = [DateTime]::Today.AddDays(0).AddHours({parameter "StartBoundary" of action}).AddMinutes({parameter "StartMinutes" of action}) # Sets it todays date at 5pm [e.g. Thursday, February 14, 2019 5:00:00 PM]
$new_StartBoundary = $new_StartBoundary.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
$new_EndBoundary = [DateTime]::Today.AddDays(1).AddHours({parameter "EndBoundary" of action}).AddMinutes({parameter "EndMinutes" of action}) # Sets it tomorrows date at 6am [e.g. Friday, February 15, 2019 6:00:00 AM]
$new_EndBoundary = $new_EndBoundary.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")

[xml]$TaskXML = Get-Content "C:\Temp\EODReboot.xml" # Get the xml file
$TaskXML.Task.Triggers.TimeTrigger.StartBoundary = $new_StartBoundary # update the StartBoundary node with new_StartBoundary
$TaskXML.Task.Triggers.TimeTrigger.EndBoundary = $new_EndBoundary # update the EndBoundary node with new_EndBoundary
$TaskXML.Save("C:\Temp\EODReboot.xml") # save the file with updates


copy __createfile c:\Temp\update_xml.ps1

runhidden cmd /K powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass c:\Temp\update_xml.ps1

Thanks Dakota! This is exactly what I was looking for.

I have noticed that when no information is answered to one of the action parameter, the script will update the xml attributes that needs to be updated; but,it is erasing information for other attributes. it is like I cannot update just one attribute at the time but all them.

Is your ps script looking at the values its getting from the action parameter queries first to see if they are blank or not before applying them?


This is the script that we are currently using.

delete __createfile
createfile until EOF


$XMLFile.Inventory.PrimaryUser.FirstName="{if (parameter “FirstName”) != “” then (parameter “FirstName”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/FirstName” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.PrimaryUser.LastName="{if (parameter “LastName”) != “” then (parameter “LastName”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/LastName” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.PrimaryUser.Username="{if (parameter “Username”) != “” then (parameter “Username”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/Username” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.PrimaryUser.PrimaryRole="{if (parameter “PrimaryRole”) != “” then (parameter “PrimaryRole”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/PrimaryRole” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"

$XMLFile.Inventory.Ownership.Organization="{parameter “Organization”}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Ownership.Division="{if (parameter “Division”) != “” then (parameter “Division”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/Division” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Ownership.Subdivision="{if (parameter “Subdivision”) != “” then (parameter “Subdivision”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/Subdivision” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Ownership.Group="{if (parameter “Group”) != “” then (parameter “Group”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/Group” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Ownership.BudgetID="{if (parameter “BudgetID”) != “” then (parameter “BudgetID”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/BudgetID” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Ownership.FY="{if (parameter “FY”) != “” then (parameter “FY”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/FY” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Ownership.PurchaseDate="{if (parameter “PurchaseDate”) != “” then (parameter “PurchaseDate”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/PurchaseDate” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Ownership.LifeCycleDate="{if (parameter “LifeCycleDate”) != “” then (parameter “LifeCycleDate”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/LifeCycleDate” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Ownership.OriginalRequestID="{if (parameter “OriginalRequestID”) != “” then (parameter “OriginalRequestID”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/OriginalRequestID” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"

$XMLFile.Inventory.Location.Campus="{if (parameter “Corporate”) != “” then (parameter “Corporate”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/Corporate” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Location.Building="{if (parameter “Building”) != “” then (parameter “Building”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/Building” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Location.Room="{if (parameter “Room”) != “” then (parameter “Room”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/Room” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Location.Address.Street="{if (parameter “Street”) != “” then (parameter “Street”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/Street” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Location.Address.City="{if (parameter “City”) != “” then (parameter “City”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/City” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Location.Address.State="{if (parameter “State”) != “” then (parameter “State”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/State” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"
$XMLFile.Inventory.Location.Address.ZipCode="{if (parameter “ZipCode”) != “” then (parameter “ZipCode”) else (node values of child nodes of selects “//Inventory/PrimaryUser/ZipCode” of xml documents of files “machine\info\Inventory.xml” of windows folder)}"

delete Inventory.ps1
move __createfile Inventory.ps1

// Run powershell script changes execution policy just for this file from this task
waithidden cmd.exe /C powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file “{(pathname of client folder of current site) & “\Inventory.ps1”}”

I mocked up the first three items you had (FirstName, LastName, and UserName) in the fixletdebugger and I’m able to update the xml correctly even when I leave a parameter blank. I did write it a bit differntly than you, but it works correctly.

parameter "FirstName"=""
parameter "LastName"=""
parameter "UserName"="User1234"

delete c:\windows\Temp\update_xml.ps1
delete __createfile
createfile until EOF

# Get the xml file
[xml]$TaskXML = Get-Content "C:\Temp\inventory\inventory.xml" 

# if the parameter FirstName is not blank set PrimaryUser.FirstName to the value of the parameter FirstName
# else if the paramater FirstName is blank set PrimaryUser.FirstName to the current value of PrimaryUser.FirstName in the xml

if ("{parameter "FirstName"}"){{
	$TaskXML.Inventory.PrimaryUser.FirstName = "{parameter "FirstName"}"
}else {{ 
	$TaskXML.Inventory.PrimaryUser.FirstName = $TaskXML.Inventory.PrimaryUser.FirstName 
# if the parameter LastName is not blank set PrimaryUser.LastName to the value of the parameter LastName
# else if the paramater LastName is blank set PrimaryUser.LastName to the current value of PrimaryUser.LastName in the xml
if ("{parameter "LastName"}"){{
	$TaskXML.Inventory.PrimaryUser.LastName = "{parameter "LastName"}"
}else {{
	$TaskXML.Inventory.PrimaryUser.LastName = $TaskXML.Inventory.PrimaryUser.LastName
# if the parameter UserName is not blank set PrimaryUser.UserName to the value of the parameter UserName
# else if the paramater UserName is blank set PrimaryUser.UserName to the current value of PrimaryUser.UserName in the xml
if ("{parameter "UserName"}"){{
	$TaskXML.Inventory.PrimaryUser.Username = "{parameter "UserName"}"
	$TaskXML.Inventory.PrimaryUser.Username = $TaskXML.Inventory.PrimaryUser.Username

# Save the xml file


copy __createfile c:\windows\temp\update_xml.ps1

runhidden cmd /K powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass c:\windows\Temp\update_xml.ps1
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Tomorrow morning, I am going to be working on this fixlet. Thank you so much! You have gone beyond normal duty.